Sunday, November 7, 2010

My family is God-sent!

My family has always been a tight knit family!  We have done everything together since I can remember!  We celebrate everyone's birthday together.  Some birthdays we will go out to dinner together and others we have a cookout at my grandmother's house.  We also celebrate all of the holidays together (even the small ones).  I wouldn't know what to do if we didn't have a get together on one of the holidays! 

My immediate family (my parents and sister) is also very tight knit!  My sister and I have always shared secrets and confided in each other.  We have also had our fair share of fights!  However, that is what brought us so close together!  We can talk to each other about anything, private or not so private!  I could not have asked God for a better sister than the one He gave me!

My mom and dad have been there for me through thick and thin!  I have hit some pretty rough patches in my life, but my parents were still there and still loved me through all of it.  Yeah, we had some pretty bad fights that ended up in non-communication for a short period of time, but we always sorted things out no matter how big the issue!  God has truly blessed me with an amazing immediate family!

I also have the same strength in love from my extended family as well.  Some of those rough patches I went through affected them as well.  They stood by me and did the best they could to help me through them.  They have always been there for me and helped me whenever I needed it!  My Aunts and Uncles have given me any kind of advice and help possible and my cousins have loved me no matter what!

I am now married to the love of my life and have 3 beautiful children.  My two older children were the result of my one big rough patch, although, I wouldn't trade them for the world!  I had them out of wed-lock and I was living with their father at the time.  I was in what I would call my rebellious stage of life when I thought that no one could tell me what to do and I thought I knew what was best for me.  The man that I married has taken on the responsibilities of my two older children and now we have a little one of our own!  He is now 4 months old and he adds to the joy that my family brings me!  I can't thank God enough for the family that He has given me!

Last but finally not least, I am very thankful for my church family!  They have also been there for me through thick and thin and stuck by me all the way.  They have given me all the help and support that I ever needed and I can't thank them enough for that either.

It all comes down to the fact that my family are my best friends and I wouldn't have it any other way!  I love you all!  I thank God for ya'll every day!

1 comment:

  1. I love you laci. this is a wonderful post and i feel the exact same way about my family. thank you for always being there for me. i love youuuuu :)
