Friday, June 10, 2011

Still Hasn't Hit Me Yet!

I am almost 12 weeks pregnant and it still hasn't completely hit me yet!  I know in my mind that I am pregnant and all of my pregnancy tests were positive!  My last visit with my doctor, he measured my uterus with his hands and said everything was the right size.  I guess I am just waiting for my first ultrasound!  I haven't actually gotten to see my little bean yet!  I am so anxious and getting very excited to see her (hoping it's a girl).  I'm not sure but am almost certain they won't be able to tell what I am having just yet.  I will only be 12 weeks along when I have my first ultrasound!  I am still anxious to see little bit and make sure everything is ok. 
As far as me dealing with my pregnancy so far, it has been a little rough at times.  I have had days where I have just felt sick all day long.  I have not thrown up yet but I have been extremely nauseous.  This is a first for me.  I was never nauseous with any of my other pregnancies.  I have also just recently started having problems with my sciatic nerve.  That is going to be my first question for the doctor when I go back.   What can I do to alleviate the pain on my left side from my sciatic nerve! 
I have 6 days left until my first ultrasound and I am taking it day by day and hoping this time will go by at least at a decent pace so I don't feel like the time is just dragging on!  I am hoping and praying that everything is alright with my little bean and she/he is growing perfectly!

Thursday, June 2, 2011


I am exhausted with people who call themselves friends.  Especially when the reason they became a closer friend in the first place was so the could get closer to your husband!  They get caught when I find that they sent a picture of themself to my husbands phone and then they try to blame it on him!  It is so frustrating because this person in peticular is one that my husband can't stand and is not attracted to in any way!  They try to say the picture was sent by accident but in the midst of conversation, the truth comes out and the picture was meant to be sent in the first place!  Needless to say I cut all ties with this friend and it really hurt me that this person would even try this knowing I am pregnant with my 4th child and they considered themself to be a good friend!  I can't stand fakers and I have really hardened my heart to letting people in now!  I have one good friend that is not actually family or technically related!  Although, she is like a sister to me, but she has been there for me for the past 10 years at least and I will love her forever!  She is my BEST friend!