Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Some Exciting News!

Today, Jaxon scooted across the floor for the first time!  Daddy got to see him do it.  Mommy missed it but I have been watching him scoot around all day!  I am so excited for him that he has learned something new to keep him busy and entertained for a while!  He doesn't mind staying in the floor for a while now.  I can put him down and he can enjoy himself for a good hour or so!  That is a bit easier on me, I must say.  Sorry this post isn't that long but I just had to share what my baby boy is doing new in his life!

Here is a little clip of Jaxon scooting across the floor.  He hasn't gotten it all figured out so he gets frustrated at times lol.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Prayers Needed!

So I haven't posted in a while and I'm sorry.  Things have gotten pretty busy around here.

We just celebrated Houston's 2nd birthday!  Along with that came the start of multiple doctor's visits!  I took him to the dr on Friday June 29th for his 2 year check up.  The doctor ordered a bunch of tests to be run on him because he is not growing at a normal rate.  He is very small for his age.  We got a phone call back the next monday saying that his growth hormone levels are low.  The next step for him is an Endocrinologist.  He has also been having issues with his fingernails and toenails peeling up from the cuticle and eventually falling off.  For that we have a dermatology appointment on July 31st.  I also have to make an appointment with an orthopedist because his feet turn in just enough for the dr to be concerned about them.  As far as it goes, that is all we have right now for Houston.

That same Friday, June 29th, I took Hayli to the dr for her 6 year check up.  She has what are called Cafe Au Lait spots which look like the usual birth mark.  However, she has well over 16 of them on her body.  During Hayli's first visit to this current pediatrician about a year ago, the dr noticed the spots and immediately became concerned.  These spots are a sign and symptom of a disease called Neurofibromatosis.  This is a disease that causes tumors on the nerves in throughout the body.  It typically attacks the optic nerve first so another symptom is vision impairment.  Hayli, during the second half of her school year started complaining that she couldn't see some words in books because they were too small.  I went and looked up all the other symptoms of this disease and when I saw learning disabilities such as ADD or ADHD are also a symptom, I thought back to the trouble Hayli had in school.  Her teacher was constantly sending home notes saying she needed to stay focused and finish her work on time and not rush through things.  I have also noticed she is having a harder time sitting still and focusing on things at home.  I mentioned all of these things I had noticed in Hayli at her 6 year visit and the doctor referred her to an Opthamologist.  The Opthamologist will be able to look deep into her eyes and see if there are any signs of the disease.

On top of all of these doctors appointments coming up, we have found a house with a nice yard to rent.  We will be moving August 1st and we are so excited!  The kids are excited as well because they know that they will be able to go outside whenever they want and play!  Where as right now in the apartment, they are basically stuck inside because I can't just let them outside alone where I can watch them from the window or the door!  We are so happy to be moving, it is a new start for us.

Please send your prayers for all of these things.  We are definitely needing the prayer and support.